Elizabeth Fry - Angel of Newgate (En inglés)

Elizabeth Fry - Angel of Newgate (En inglés)

ISBN: 9781624860645


Exciting true stories of men and women who changed the world.

Elizabeth Fry (1780-1845)

Betsy felt her heart lurch. Just over a mile from where she stood, women and children existed in conditions more deplorable than the slums she routinely visited. Why hadn’t she investigated this before? Without second thought, she said, “Something must be done immediately for those poor, suffering children. I will go to them tomorrow”.

Exposed to the horrendous living conditions of women prisoners and their children, Elizabeth Fry pledged to improve the lives of society’s most desperate people. Guided by her Quaker values, she led efforts in education an literacy, prison reform, and -together with figures such as William Wilberforce and Thomas Fowell Buxton- the abolition of slavery. Elizabeth Fry insisted on justice and forever changed the way human beings treat one another.

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Editor: Editorial Jucum
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